Monday, 21 December 2009

A time when films were all about the magic

During the Christmas season I do tend to find myself feeling little nostalgic and after a little film sesh with one of my dearest friends I re-discovered a film I always refer to as a childhood classic; The Labrynth. If you haven't heard of it, it is a magical story directed by Jim Henson in 1986 and it stars none other than David Bowie! I have always believed that it is definately a film you have to have been brought up with to love it to the extent I do, however don't let this put you off giving it a go! You just have to allow for the terrible graphics, it was after all made in 1986! The costumes are rather outstanding, David's indeed may make your eyes wander! It is fascinating also to note that the fashions of that time have now made a radical come-back, worn by Sarah, the main character played by Jennifer Connelly. My favourite scene has got to be the clip I've put below, it is one of my all time favourite film songs, I can't help do a little jig when I here it!

After watching Labrynth I felt the urge to experience all those films that I was brought up with, all those films that people who weren't raised with them just don't understand. One of these was Willow. Made in 1988 (the year I was born) and directed by Ron Howard it stars val Kilmer, Warick Davis and Joanne Whalley. Its a film with adventure and magic, crazy little brownies, unexpected heros, ugly monsters and happy endings.

Next on my list is Dark Crystal, made in 1982. This film was also dircted by Jim Henson, but in conjunction with Frank Oz and Gary Kurtz. This film takes you to another world where there are strange plants and wierd creatures, where there are Gelflings and evil skeksies and peaceful mystics. You may have noticed a theme with these films, they all take you to different realms of fantasy, magic and adventure and I guess that's where my love for it all began. I absolutely love being taken out of my own reality and taken somewhere where anything is possible and where magic and friendship overcome the nightmare.

The next magical adventure is Legend, made in 1985. It stars Tom Cruise in a teeny tiny skirt and Tim Curry as the Darkness. There are unicorns, the devil, fairies and many oter fictional beings to take you into another magical world. I find that there is a darkness to these films, but that this only makes them more exciting to watch. Even Disney really has an alterior side that you only come to understand when you grow up.

And I think I will end this blog with a true classic; The Goonies. This film was made in 1985 and is a tale of friendship and lost treasure. It was directed by Richard Donner and the story was written by Steven Spielberg. It stars Sean Astin, who plays Sam in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, when he was a young boy. Below is a classic scene; The Truffle Shuffle. If you haven't seen the film then I definately recommend it. I hope I haven't put you off with my ramblings and I hope you too will re-discover, or perhaps discover these films for the first time. Let me know what you think!

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